1. WhaleWisdom.com
Scion Asset Management, LLC
tracks and analyzes hedge fund filings in real-time. Find 13F, 13D, insider transactions and more. Backtest and clone investor portfolios.
2. WhaleWisdom Alpha | Profiting from the public filings of "smart money ...
The 10 most popular hedge fund managers in the WhaleWisdom.com database often spark big moves in the stocks they buy and sell.
3. 13F Data Extraction using WhaleWisdom - Microsoft AppSource
This Excel Add-in includes tools to let you pull 13F data from whalewisdom.com directly into Excel. Bring in holdings data from as far back as 2001!
Bring 13F hedge fund data directly into Excel.
4. The Top 13F Filing Databases: Whalewisdom vs. Opportunity ...
Whalewisdom starts at a free tier, which allows you to access 13F filings from the past two years, as well as receive email alerts, backtesting, and reporting ...
In this article, we’re outlining three of the top resources for information on 13F filings, so you can make the best decision for your firm.
5. WhaleWisdom Review - Is This Tool Worth Paying For?
22 apr 2021 · WhaleWisdom is a research platform that adds a little extra with the ability to analyze and track the portfolios of major investment funds using 13F filings.
WhaleWisdom provides stock research using 13F filings. Can it improve your investment strategy? Find out in our WhaleWisdom review.
6. Here are the 10 most popular hedge fund managers in WhaleWisdom ...
26 mrt 2021 · The 10 most popular hedge fund managers in the WhaleWisdom.com database often spark big moves in the stocks they buy and sell.
7. WhaleWisdom LLC Information - RocketReach
WhaleWisdom LLC is a Finance General, and Finance company_reader located in South San Francisco, California with $52.1 million in revenue and 1 employees.
See AlsoCorn And Tater Fest 2023Backtesting lets you copy the stock ideas of top managers to consistently outperform the overall market. Using WhaleWisdom's custom 13F backtesting tool will allow you to test your cloning strategies. Combine multiple funds to find consensus picks and find out how well they would have performed in the past. How do I know which funds are the best to copy? The WhaleScore helps investors quickly identify funds that consistently beat the market and make good candidates for cloning. Generally, WhaleScores that are higher than the S&P 500's score have a consistent track record of being a good cloning candidate. Don't want to do your own backtesting but still want to take advantage of 13F filings? You can use our WhaleIndex . The WhaleIndex tracks the highest-conviction stocks held by leading hedge fund managers. Here are just a few of the interesting funds we track: extract 13F holdings into Microsoft Excel and other data analytic tools. "Export to Excel" buttons are located throughout the site to export 13F holdings and other data. Use the API to automate data extraction into your own database or spreadsheet. in submit new filings to the SEC. For certain filings like 13F, 13D/G, 8-K, Form D, and insider forms 3,4 and 5, the WhaleWisdom email alert will contain specific details about the actual contents of the filing giving you useful data without having to actually read the filing yourself. The email alert service is absolutely free, only requiring that you sign-up for a free acco...
8. FORM 13F API - Financial Modeling Prep
Get data from 13F APIs. Use Whale Wisdom API to interact with the 13F database. We provide endpoints like institutional holders and more from 13F.
OVERVIEW This endpoint collects data from all Form 13Fs that are submitted to the SEC. All large hedge funds, mutual funds, and other financial institutions must file Form 13F to disclose their assets. Every quarter, Berkshire Hathaway, for example, reports their 13F. We can provide endpoints such as institutional holders and mutual fund holders from 13F. At our SEC filing endpoint, you can view all of a company's sec filings. Query String Parameters date : YYYY-MM-DD
9. Whalewisdom : Track Hedge Funds Using 13F Filings Website stats and ...
Whalewisdom at WO. tracks and analyzes hedge fund filings in real-time. Find 13F, 13D, insider transactions and more. Backtest and clone investor ...
Whalewisdom at WO. tracks and analyzes hedge fund filings in real-time. Find 13F, 13D, insider transactions and more. Backtest and clone investor portfolios.
10. Hedge funds may lose billions from Temu owner PDD's stock crash
4 dagen geleden · ... WhaleWisdom, a website that tracks and analyses quarterly US 13F filings. It is unclear if hedge funds increased or reduced their ...
CONCENTRATED bets on popular Chinese e-commerce giant PDD Holdings may have led to losses in billions of dollars for hedge funds from a crash in its shares following downbeat comments from its executives. Read more at The Business Times.
11. Duquesne Family Office Portfolio | Stanley Druckenmiller 13F ...
Heatmaps of the top 13f holdings and a list of the largest trades made by Duquesne Family Office, the hedge fund managed by Stanley Druckenmiller.
12. Hedge Funds Brace For Billions In Losses From PDD Holdings Crash
4 dagen geleden · ... WhaleWisdom. This steep fall equates to a combined loss of roughly $4 billion for these funds. PDD missed market estimates for quarterly ...
The Chinese e-commerce giant’s stock plummets, creating significant losses for major hedge fund investors
13. Warren Buffett Stocks: The Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio - Kiplinger
16 aug 2024 · Sources: Berkshire Hathaway's SEC Form 13F filed August 14, 2024, for the reporting period ended June 30, 2024; and WhaleWisdom. The ...
The Berkshire Hathaway portfolio is a diverse set of blue chips and some lesser-known growth bets. Here, we look at all stocks picked by Buffett and his team.